Abbeville Co. Wills & Estates, transcripts are available to members of South Carolina Pioneers Here is an index of the names -
James, Aston, LWT, transcript; Bates, Stephen, LWT, transcript; Bouchillon, John, LWT, transcript; Bowman, John, LWT, transcript; Bowman, William, LWT, transcript; Calhoun, James, LWT, transcript; Collins, Edward LWT (1837); Cowan, Andrew, LWT, transcript; Crozier, James, LWT, transcript; Edmiston, John, LWT, transcript; Gantt, William (1809; Hanks, Luke, LWT, transcript; King, Benjamin, LWT, transcript; Little, William, LWT, transcript; Logan, Andrew, LWT, transcript; Marck, John Balthaser, LWT, transcript; Marshal, John, LWT, transcript; McCarter, Benjamin, LWT, transcript;
McElwee, John, John, LWT, transcript; McKee, Marthy LWT (1813); Meriwether, Francis, LWT (transcript;) Mitchell, Isaac, LWT, transcript; Morrow, George, LWT, transcript; Mott, Andrew, LWT, transcript; Mulherrin, Charles, LWT, transcript; Murdoch, James, Estate, 1837 (image) Norwood, Theophilos, LWT, transcript; Paterson, Robert, LWT, transcript; Pettigrew, James, LWT, transcript; Prince, John, LWT, transcript, 1782; Reid, George, LWT, transcript; Robartson, John, Sr., LWT, transcript;
Seawright, James, LWT, transcript; Shaw, William, LWT, transcript; Taylor, Thomas, LWT, transcript; Vernon, James, LWT, transcript; Woodin, Rebekah, LWT, transcript;
Yeldell, Robert, LWT, transcript
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