Charleston County Wills, Estates, Records Available for Members of South Carolina Pioneers
Indexes to Probate RecordsMiscellaneous
- Wills, Estates, Deeds 1672 to 1727
- Wills, Estates, Deeds 1687 to 1710
- Wills, Estates, Deeds 1692 to 1693
- Wills, Estates, Deeds 1694 to 1708
- Wills, Estates, Deeds 1716 to 1721
- Wills, Estates, Deeds 1720 to 1721
- Wills, Estates, Deeds 1720 to 1721 (repaired)
- Wills, Estates, Deeds 1722 to 1724
- Wills, Estates, Deeds 1724 to 1725
- Wills, Estates, Deeds 1726 to 1727
- Wills 1740-1747
- Wills 1747 to 1756
- Wills 1747-1752
- Wills 1757-1760
- Wills 1760-1771
- Wills 1761-1762
- Deeds 1776 to 1771
- Wills, Estates 1776 to 1779; 1780 to 1783; 1786-1793; 1793-1800
- Wills 1818 to 1834
- Wills 1834 to 1845
- Wills 1839 to 1845; 1845 to 1850; 1851 to 1856; 1862 to 1868
- Edisto Island, Assessments of St. Paul's Parish, 1732
- Residents who applied for Florida Land Grants in 1767 (a record filed in the Scottish Land Office)
Images of Wills, Estates, Deeds 1671
Testators: Edward Roberts, Edward; Henry Woodward; Mary Pierre Bertrand; William Sayle.
Miscellaneous Wills, Estates, Deeds 1687 to 1710
Testators: Adams, William | Alexander, John | Allen, Jacob | Amory, Jonathan | Amory, Martha | Arthur, Christopher | Ash, John | Baker, Richard | Ballard, William | Baynard, Thomas | Beard, Mathew | Bellamy, Isaac | Blanchard, Benjamin | Boshon, William | Braxton, James | Capers, Thomas | Cattell, John | Cato, Thomas | Collins, John | Coming, John | Croft, John | Crosse, John | Crosse, Mary | Croudy, John | Dougald, John | Douiden, John | Drayton, Thomas | Elliott, Joseph | Frear, John | Fullerton, George | Gibbes, Robert | Gibbon, John | Gitton, William | Grayham, George | Grimhalt, Thomas | Hamilton, John | Hilliard, Elizabeth | Hilliard, Thomas | Holland, John | Holton, Thomas | Hulford, Thomas | Isack, Abraham | Johns, John | King, Jeremiah | King, Mary | Kisslow, Helen | Lambert, Benjamin | Lightwood, Ellis | Limpenny, Richard | Lindroy, Daniel | Ludson,Margaret | Mailhett, Peter | Maitland, John | Monroe, John | Moore, John | Morgan, Charles | Morton, Joseph Morton, Thomas | Noble, Henry | Norman, William | Prize, Richard | Rawlins, Edward | Remick, Isaac | Rhett, Sarah | Saunders, William | Smith, Peter | Smith, William | Stanyard, John | Stroud, John | Thomas, John | Torquet, Humphrey | Tripp, John | Wildon, John | Wilke, Joshua | Woodward, John
Images of Wills, Estates, Appraisals, Inventories, Guardianships, Deeds (from bundled records
Images of Wills, Estates, Deeds 1694 to 1702
Testators: Barker, Thomas | Bennett, Benjamin to Thomas Kelly | Brice, William | Thomas Brooke, Captain to Charles Minor | Buckley, John | Chantile, William | Colleton, John | Colleton, Peter | De Bourdie, Samuel | Galdy, Lewis | Green, Giles, John | Crosse, Ben Nicoll | Hanbury, John | | Harkitt, Elizabeth | Hatton, Joan | Ingonson, James | Johns, Francis | Kidd, William, Captain | Miles, Nicholas | Milnow, John | | Noell, Thomas | Rowe, Thomas | Waites, William | Waltham, Hanbury | Walker, Charles | Welham, Thomas | Wigington, Henry | Williamson, Nathaniel | Wolsby, William
Images of Wills, Estates, Deeds 1694 to 1708
Testators:Abbott, Walter | Abram, Richard | Adams, John | Albert, Peter Alexander, John | Alford, James | Amar, Delong Amory, Jonathan Amory, Jonathan to Peter Levall Amos, Ralf Arnsdale, John | Ashurst, Knight, Lord Mayor of London Avilah, Graham Ball, Robert Barker, Sarah Barker, Thomas | Baron, George Basson, Charles Becinal, Andrew Bennett, Elisha Birth, Elinor Birch, Rebecca Blake, Joseph Bloathman, John | Bolton, Thomas | Boond, Sarah Bradgan, John | Bradley, Sam to James Moore (pirateship) Bridgar, John | Bridgham, Henry Briggs, James | Cary, Thomas | Clapp, Elizabeth Crosse, John |, Ben Nichole, Patrick Walsh, Giles Green Brown, Ann Bull, Benjamin Burnham, Charles Cage, Robert Caillaberf, Rachell Canon, Andrew Carrington, Alexander Carter, Mary Chartaigner, Augustus and Alexander Clarke, Frederick Cob, MIchael Coles, John | and Thomas Colleton, James | Colleton, Katherine Colleton, Peter Colt, Peter Conyers, James | Cordes, Anthony Cown, Ellenor Basley Dalton, Thomas | Deall, James | Dearsly, George, Major Dearsley, Richard | Delahar, Dennis Devereaux, Elizabeth Dewitt, Margaret Dewitt, Philip Dickinson, Jonas Dolling, Richard | Duff, Andrew Dunbar, Andrew Dufay, James | to Theodore Johnson Duncan, George Dunston, Elizabeth Eager, William | Earl, John | Earle, William | Ellicott, Joseph and Elizabeth Everitt, Henry Fenwick, Robert Flower, Edward Foster, John | Foxe, Edward Freeman, Marmaduke Frost, George Gaillard, Jean Gattney, David Gato, John | Sr. Gerrard, John | Gibbes, Robert Gibbs, Thomas | Gignillant, Joseph Gill, Mary Girard, Peter Godfrey, Mary Graves, Joshua Guerard, Peter Jacob Haile, John | Haines, Joseph Hankins, John | Hartley, James | Hartley, Samuel Hawkins, John | Hawlett, William | Hayman, Ann and James to Francis Clinton Hayward, Nicholas Hogben, Kemuley Holland, Thomas | to Edward Pennant Hooks, John | Horker, Thomas | Horroud, Joshua Hourno or Huodo, John | Hourno, Thomas | Humble, William | Jennings, Richard | Jerratt, John | to Lewis Packerroe Joel, William | Joarfley, George Jones, Griffith Jones, Richard | Kelly, Thomas | Kidd, William |, Captain (his brother in law is named) Kidd, William |, Captain Kidd, William |, Captain to Samuel Bradley Ladson, John | Laford, Mary Lakin, Samuel LaRoche, James | LaSalle, Peter Lawson, Jane Lee, Philip Lelerurier, Jacques Linkley, Mary Logan, George Loughton, Edward Lovington, Jacob Manigault, Purr Mann, Thomas | Marique, Isaac Martin, Pridgett Mathews, Anthony Mathews, Cornelius Mazieq, Isaac Mears, Jacob Mears, Robert Meriden, John | Middleton, Henry Miles, Richard | Miller, Thomas | Millvar, John | Millward, John | Milton, Thomas | Mincke, Samuel to John Valentine Moore, James | Moore, James | and Maurice Mathews Moore, John | Nall, Thomas | to John Edmund Newberry, William | Nicholas, Jacque Nicholas, Stephen Notherton, Henry Odingsells, Charles Odingsells, Gabriel Parris, Abraham Parris, Alexander Percinall, Andrew Percinall, Essex Pierpoint, James | Pinckney, Thomas | Pitman, Henry Poffiff, William | Polake, Joseph Poles, William | Porter, William | Price, Nicholas Primatt, Humphrey Pullover, Matthew Quelch, Benjamin Quelch, William | and Joseph to William Jones Raddick, Richard | Randall, William | Rawlings, Benjamin Ray, William | Rhett, William |, Captain Rhett, William | Riddall, John | Risbe, Jane Robeson, Samuel Robinson, Samuel Roupery, Francis Royer, Judith Royer, Noah Jr. Rule, John | Russell, William | Rymer, Jane Salbor, Henry Sanford, Abraham Sellman, John | Sheppard, Samuel to Thomas Stark Shuller, William | Smart, Israel Smith, Christopher Smith, Henry Smith, Jeremiah Smith, Thomas | Squire, Charles St. Legar, Thomas |, Joseph Delanny and Alexander Derquett St. Legar, Thomas | Stanton, M. Stroud, John | Sturgis, Francis Thuck, John | Tilley, William | Toman, Thomas | Torquee, Paul Townes, Thomas | Townsend, John | Trott, Nicholas Turner, Sarah Tyler, Mather Virginia Vobe, John | Want, Richard | Warren, John | Waterline, John | Waylett, John | Webb, Joshua Welham, Thomas | Wich, John | Wise, John | Williamson, Ame Williamson, Dove Wilson, Ralph Willson, Jane Wiltshire, Richard | Wolsby, William | Wright, Abraham Wright, Anthony Wright, John | Wych, Thomas | Wyed, Richard | Yeamans, Thosin, Samuel Weeks, Bridgett Winpenny
Images of Wills, Estates, Deeds 1716 to 1721
Testators: Holland, Sarah | Atkins, Robert | Bacot, Peter and Dan to Charles Franchema | Barber, Sarah | Baynard, Sarah | Bollinger, Elizabeth R. to Samuel Eveleigh | Bossard, John to Peter le Chevellier | Bremar, Solomon | Bromgr, Samuel, Captain | Browne, Thomas | Bull, William | Burnham, Charles | Capers, Richard | Carman, Caleb | Chaife, James | Clark, Jonathan, Captain | Colleton, John | Collins, Jonah | Connaway, George | Connaway, Jeremiah | Connaway, Sarah | Connely, John, Captain | Craft, John | Cranston, Samuel | Cuttler, Thomas (an expedition against pirates} | Davis, Othinell | Davison, Henry | Earle, William | Farrell, Richard | Flanning, Thomas | Fowler, Thomas | Foy, Thomas | Francklyn, Mary | Goof, Roger | Grange, Mary | Guy, William | Hale, Henry | Hambly, Peter Hawitt, Mary | Hulian, Elias | Hutchinson, Elisha | Johnson, Robert | Jones, Thomas | Laws, Nathaniel Leavey, Thomas | Lochley, Dorothy to James Peartree | Lucas, John | Marshall, John | McClellan, Hugh | Middleton, Arthur | Morriss, Thomas | Morton, Joseph | Osborne, Robert | Painter, Peter | Parkman, William | Peycroft, Stephen to John Herring | Porter, Elizabeth | Rambert, Edward and Elizabeth | Rambert, Judith | Read, Samuel | Rennolds, Richard | Rhett, William | Sam, Elizabeth | Sanders, Lamberth | Savinau, Mary and Jacques | Smith, Daniel Crow to Francis Chernock | Stevenson, John | Tingerson, Marg | Tookeman, Richard | Tynate, Edward | Warnock, Andrew | Watt, Susanna, Dove Williamson, Andre Wallen | White, Elenor | Wigington, Henry | Wilson, Lancelot | Wilson, Nathaniel | Yonge, Francis
Images of Wills, Estates, Deeds 1720 to 1721
Testators: Ballentine, Patrick | Child, James | Cramer, C. | Deeks, Arthur | Deeks, Jackson | Everdety, Theodore | Fitzgerald, Thomas | Footer, Joseph | Foster, Andrew | Gilbert, James | Girardeu, John | Goodby, John Sr. | Guy, Margaret | Holbeatcch, Joseph | Laranety, Florence | LaRoche, James | Linchley, Isaiah | Logan, George | McMurtry, John | Moody, Thomas | Peuney, Robert | Player, Roger | Seabrook, Robert | St. Julian, Jesonsigne Pierre de | Stevenberly, John | Stevens, Robert | Stewart, Charles | Symzell, John | Taillor, John | Turner, Samuel | Ward, John | Weekly, Richard | Whitman, John | Whitmarsh, John | Wright, Jacob
Images of Charleston County Wills, Deeds, Appraisals, Inventories 1720 to 1721 (copied and repaired)
Allen, Thomas | Ashworth, Jasper | Ball, Richard | Barker, Mary | Barnett, Mary | Basnet, Mary | Beresford, Richard | Betteson, William | Bond, Jacob | Branford | Brooke, Edward | Burnett, Mary | Callahan, Daniel | Carmon, Peter | Cattel, Benjamin | Chambers, Thomas | Clark, Moses | Daniell, Sarah | Darden, Edward | Dossey, John | Dupuy, Andrew | Elmes, William | Elmes, orphans | Eveleigh, Samuel | Fairchild, Orme | Farley, James | Fleury, Abraham | Garrard, John | Grice, Elizabeth | Griffin, Benjamin | Guerin, Peter | Hammerton, William | Hartman, John | Hew, Robert | Hill, John | Hitchcock, Elizabeth | Hogg, John | Holliburk, John | Holmes, Francis Sr. Johnson, William | Kilpatrick, David, Dr. | Lewis, Isaac Lloyd, John | Logan, George | Milner, Joseph | Moor, John | Morton, John | Morton, Joseph | Nairns, Elizabeth | Necthrope, James | Nicholson, Francis | Oliver, Bartholomew Parker, Thomas | Perkins, Joseph | Perrineau, Samuel | Petineau, John | Peterson, George | Pratt, John | Ramack, Isaac | Rhett, William Sr. | Royer, John | Scott, William | Simpson, Alexander | Spencer, Oliver Taylor, Even Exer | Tomkin, Richard | Walthrop, James | Wilkinson, Thomas | Wyatt, Stephen
Images of Charleston County Wills, Deeds, Appraisals, Inventories 1722 to 1724
Testators: Allen, Elizabeth Wigfall | Arden, Edward | Atwell, Joseph Sr. | Bacon, Michael | Barnwell, John | Bee, Thomas | Betson, William | Bohun, Nicholas | Branford, John | Brown, Clement | Butler, John | Butler, Thomas | Carlisle, Elizabeth | Cheever, Phillip | Clifford, Martha | Codner, Richard | Cogwell, Jeremiah | Cutler, Thomas | Dews, Robert | Drayton, Thomas | Dubois, John | Dupuy, Andrew | Ellis, Thomas | Emms, Ralph | Eve, Abraham | Fairchild, Anne | Fairchild, Richard | Filben, James, minor | Ford, George | Gendren, Philip | Gibbes, Benjamin | Gill, James | Godfrey, John | Godfrey, Thomas Sr. | Green, John | Grimball, John | Grimball, Thomas | Guerard, John | Guerard, Martha | Guerin, Peter | Hanyarne, James | Harrison, Joseph | Hatcher, Nicholas | Hays, Jane | Haywood, Powell and Elizabeth | Hearn, John | Hill, John | Hunan, Jean | Izard, Ralph | Killpatrick, David King, Robert | LaRoche, James | Leaverance, John | Leger, Pierre | Livingston, Rebecca Livingston, William | Mackey, Alexander | Martin, Patrick | Masters, John | Maybank, David | McDaniel, Nathaniel | Meade, Mary | Mills, Hugh | Mitchell, George | Moore, James | Moore, Thomas | Musgrove, John | Nairne, Elizabeth | Nutting, John | Ogle, Dorothy | Oliver, Bartholomew | Partridge, Nathaniel | Pawley, Percival | Perroneau, Samuel | Pinney, John | Potter, Humphrey | Pulke, Joseph | Rhett, William | Roach, Richard | Rowser, Sarah | Samways, Katherine | Scheult, James | Sheat, Amia | Simmons, John | Singletary, Richard | Smith, Thomas | Spencer, William | Stewart, Thomas | Sumner, Samuel | Taylor, Ebenezer | Turner, Samuel | Walkutt, Ebenezer | Waters, John | Whitmarsh, John | Wragg, Joseph | Wright, Robert | Wrixham, James | Wyatt, Robert
Images of Wills, Inventories, Appraisements, Deeds 1724-1725
Arthur, Christopher | Barber, Samuel Smith | Barnwell, John | askerfield, G. | Baskerfield, Jasper | Bassett, George | Bee, Thomas | Bendon, George | Bennett, William | Blamire, William | Bonner, William | Boswood, James | Bullard, Hopkins | Burish, John | Cantey, William | Cariere, John | Carlisle, Elizabeth | Cawood, John |Champigny, Charles | Childs, Joseph | Cochran, James | Collins, Alexander | Cooner, Richard | Coron, James | Corbin, Edmund | Coulland, Peter | Courage, Francis | Crook, William | Dee, James | Didcot, John | Drayton, Thomas | Dubose, John | Dulords, James | Duvall, Lewis | Ellis, James | Elmes, Thomas | Emms, Martha | Evans, Samuel | Finch, Katherine | Fitch, Jonathan | Flood, George | Forbes, William | Franchsomme, Charles | Gale, Daniel | Gardon, Judith | Gibbon, William | Gill, Jane | Gough, Ann, minor | Grange, Hugh, minor | Greenland, John | Guerard, Peter | Harford, Thomas | Heland, Isabel | Holmes, William | Hurber, Mathew | Izard, Benjamin | Izard, Robert | Jackson, John | June, Josias | Kerane, Hugh | Killpatrick, David | King, Charles, minor | Kirk, William | LaRoche, John | Lockerman, Katherine | Lynch, Thomas, Major | Lyon, Philip | Mangum, John | MacGregor, Daniel | MackGinnes, Daniel | Marriner, Nathaniel | Maybanck, Susanna | McKibbon, Archibald | McLane, Charles | McLean, Charles | Miles, Hugh | Mitchell, George | Mollenax, Benjamin | Monk, Joseph | Moore, James | Morton, Joseph | Nash, Ann | Newton, Nicholas | Partridge, Nathaniel | Pendarvis, John | Planks, John Whitmire | Porter, Mary | Rivers, John | Robertson, Alexander | Roche, Patrick | Samways, James | Sanders, John | Saunders, John | Screven, Joseph | Sherrill, William | Simons, Peter | Sims, Moses | Skipper, John | Skipper, William | Smith, John | Smith, Thomas | Smith, William | Spencer, Oliver | Stevens, Nicholas | Summers, John | Symrell, John | Turner, Samuel | Walker, Hennery | Walker, S. | Wallace, William | Way, William Sr. | White, John | White, William | Wigfall, Samuel | Wilden, John | Woodward, Richard, Captain | Wyatt, Mary
Images of Wills, Inventories, Appraisements, Deeds 1726-1727
Armstrong, Charles | Baggotes, William | Bamfield, George | Bassett, Mehitabel | Bassham, Robert | Batterson, James | Bayley, John | Bee, Thomas | Blakeway, William | Blunt, Jane | Bower, Henry | Brown, John | Bullock, Mary | Cawood, John | Chicken, George | Clark, Richard | Clemmons, John | Conyers, Thomas | Corbin, Edmund | Croskey, John | Davis, David | Deanes, John | Dears, John | Dopson, Joseph | Doway, David | Dry, William | Edwards, John | Ellis, John | Evans, John | Fairwell, Henry | Fenwick, Robert | Fenwick, Sarah | Frevin, Francis | Gate, Daniel | Gibbs, Daniel | Gibbs, Henry | Gibbs, Willoughby | Gibson, Thomas | Gilbertson, Nancy | Harewell, Henry | Harrison, William | Holmes, Francis | Houser, Henry | How, Robert | Jarvis, Edmund | Jehu to Stanyarn | Jones, Charles | Jones, Samuel | Kidwell, Neville | King, John Sr. | Kishing, Edward | Leavean, John |Livingston, Henry | Logan, Patrick | Loveridge, Lewis | McGinney, Daniel | Miller, Samuel | Milner, Jeremiah | Mountjoy, Thomas | Muller, Albert | Musgrove, John | Partridge, Nehemiah | Peterson, George | Pickering, Samuel | Porcher, Isaac | Pryden, John | Right, John | Rivers, Miles | Roche, Patrick | Ruberry, John | Samway, James | Sanders, James | Smith, John | Stewart, Ann | Taindall, George, patent | Thomas, Mary | Trezvant, Daniel | Wallace, Charles | Warden, John | White, John | Whitley, Rodger | Woodward, Richard | Wyatt, Stephen
Images of Wills, Deeds, Appraisals, Inventories 1729 to 1731
Akins, John | Allen, Richard | Allison, William | Arnold, John to Griffith Rice | Axtell, Daniel to Daniel Axtell Jr. | Ballough, John | Barker, Sarah | Bass, John | Bellinger, William to Mary Donovan | Betteson, John | Betteson, William | Bird, John | Bonneau, Anthony | Brewer, Charles | Brown, Charles | Browne, James | Burnham, Charles | Butler, Christopher | Butler, James | Canty, William, Captain | Canty, William | Carter, Benjamin and wife to William Moore (deed) |Clinch, Alexander | Collins, William | Colwell, John | Cornish, Henry | Cowen, John | Crawford, Samuel | Crichton, George | Cutfield, Richard | Cutfield, Thomas | Danford, Joseph | Dolley, David | Donavan, Daniel | Donnelly, Edward to John Carlow (deed) | Dopson, Joseph | Dormond, Hugh to Thomas Wouvour (deed) | Douglas, George bound to Matthew Beard |Durham, David (deed) to his widow |Eddings, Abraham | Ellery, Thomas | Fushier, Francis | Goodbee, Joseph | Hales, John | Hales, William to Edward Scott(deed)| Hales, William to Edward Scull and Thomas Loveless (deed)| Hancock, Charles | Harbin, Richard to Robert Taylor (deed) | Hepworth, Thomas | Hutchinson, John | Johnson, George to Daniel Green (deed) | Johnson, Governor, Lucas Stoutenburg and Joseph Massey (document) | Johnston, Humphrey | Johnston, William | Jones, Philip | Lambert, John | Lanier, Daniel | LaRoche, Daniel and Thomas (deed) | Laurens, John to Lewis Gourdin (deed) | Lorey, Thomas | Lukewrier, Elizabeth | Lyon, Ebenezer | MacDonald, David | MacDowell, Archibald | Macdowell, Mary | Macpherson, James | MacPherson, Mary | Macintosh, Daniel | Manigault, Peter | McDonald, David | Mikell, Ephraim Sr. | Mills, John | Mills, Richard | Morris, John | Mortimer, John | Newborough, Matthew | Nicholls, Henry | Nichols, Mary | Oade, Nathaniel | Osgood, Thomas Sr. | Paddy, Mathew | Parsons, Martha | Perryman, Benjamin | Price, Thomas | Ramsey, Benjamin | Rowe, Richard | Saltus, Mary to Michael Browler (deed) | Sanders, Abraham | Saunders, Samuel | Scott, Edward | Skine, Alexander | Smith, Thomas Jr. | Spoode, William | Stevens, John | Sulivan, John | Taveroon, Stephen | Tilly, James | Townsend, Joseph | Valley, Thomas | Varino, Jeremiah | Veal, Edward | Verdell, Anthony | Wallace, Elizabeth | Warnock, Andrew | Warnock, Thomas | Weaver, Thomas | Webb, Thomas | Whiteside, Thomas to John Arnold (deed) | Williams, Nathaniel Wood, John | Wyatt, Edward |
Images of Wills, Deeds, Appraisals, Inventories 1731 to 1733
Anely, William | Anely, William to Jacob Morris (deed) | Arnall, John | Arnoll, John (2) | Baker, Samuel | Bampfield, Elizabeth | Bampfield, George | Beamer, James | Belton, Peter | Belton, Peter to Joseph Brake (deed) | Bennett, William | Blake, Joseph | Bonnet, William | Bonnin, John | Boone, Thomas | Brace, William | Broughton, Nathaniel, appointed Naval Officer (1732) | Buchannan, John | Bullock, James | Bullock, James to James Crokat | Burnham, Charles (deed) | Burnham, Charles (orphans) | Burton, John | Carleton, John | Cartwright, Daniel | Clifford, Stephen to James Withers (deed) | Cole, Thomas | Collins, Andrew | Collings, Jonathan | Cook, Samuel | Croft, Childermass | Croft, Hill | Daniel, John | Daniels, Robert | Day, Nicholas | Dela, Benjamin, Consulate | Dexter, William | Diston, Charles | Donning, William | Dopson, Joseph | Drake, Jonathan | Draper, Linnie | Duke, Nicholas | Durden, Lydia | Edwards, John to Charles Lowndes | Elliott, Thomas | Elliott, William | Edgells, Richard | Evans, Daniel | Evans, Hugh | Ferdinand, Peter | Ferquhart, Adam | Firth, Samuel | Floyd, Richard | Fogarhe, John | Franklyn, John | French, Peter | Fuller, William | Gilbert, Henry | Gillispey, John | Godfrey, John | Godfrey, John (2)| Gordon, Alexander | Hamilton, Archibald | Hammerton, William | Hanover, John | Hardan | Hargraves, Henry | Hasfort, Richard | Hickin, J. | Hill, John | Hirst, John to Jim Wright (deed) | Hodgson, John | Holiday, Charles | Holmes, Francis | Holt, Martin and Edward Scull (bond) | Holton, Thomas | Huddy, Charles | Hussey, Edward | Irvine, Anne | Johnson, Peter | Johnson, Robert | Kelly, Mary | Kendrick, Lewis | King, Ester | Kinger, James | Knipe, Edward | Knott, John | Ladson | Lane, Noah | Lea, Joseph | Lea, William | Leacroft, Rush LeBrasseur, Francis to Thomas Gadsden (deed) | Lewis, Charles | Lincoln, James | Lisbon, Robert | Lock, John to Hester Williams (deed) | Loveless, Thomas | Lowndes, Charles | Lymond, John | Macbride, Alexander | Macintosh, John | Marghil, William Sr. to William Marghil Jr. (deed) | Marlton, William | Martin, John | McAlpin, James to Robert Hume (deed) | McMichael, Archibald | McNabney, James | Meade, Joseph | Middleton, Solomon | Miller (mortgage) Miller, Richard | Milner, Mathew | Monforth, John | Moore, John | Moore, Roger | Moore, William | Morgan, Ann | Morgan, Charles | Morson, James | Mountjoy, Esther | Murkin, William | Musgrove, John | Musgrove, John to Daniel Green (deed) | Napier, William | Neale, James appointed Provost Marshal | Nicholas, George to James Johnson (deed) | Nisbet, Robert | Norris, Matthew | Osborne, William | Pamer, Jonathan | Paterson, Lewis to William Cattel Jr. | Paul, William | Pendarvis, John | Perth, Samuel to Ann Chapman (deed) | Peter, Phelo | Pight, Mary | Pittianger, Shepard | Raper, John | Ray, David | Rivers, Maurice | Robert, Peter | Robins, Thomas | Rogers, Thomas | Rose, Richard | Rycroft, Richard | Scriven, Samuel | Sealy, Joseph | Seayer, Ruth | Shillike, David | Sizemore, Andrew | Smith, Emanuel | Snow, Thomas | Splatt, Richard to Thomas Gadsden (deed)| Strobo, Archibald | Thompson, Robert | Thomson, Doctrine | Townsend, Joseph and Charles Burnham | Tozer, Solomon | Vallet, Susanna to Joseph Wragg (deed) | Verner, Elizabeth | Wallis, Peter | Ward, Alice | Watkins, John to James Crokatt | Watson, David | Way, Aaron | Williams, William | Willson, John | Woolford, Jacob | Wright, John | Wright, Robert
Images of Wills, Guardianships, 1736 to 1740 (Names not listed here)
Images of Wills, Guardianships, 1740 to 1747; 1747 to 1756; 1757 to 1760; 1769 to 1771; 1661 to 1779; 1780 to 1783; 1786 to 1792; 1793 to 1800 (Names not included here due to insufficient space)
Images of Wills 1800 to 1803
Testators: Abraham, Emanuel; Allen, Samuel; Anderson, Archibald; Ashby, Magdalene; Atwell, Ichabod; Axson, William; Bagus, George; Barksdale, Thomas; Bennett, William; Benvist, Samuel; Blackman, Sarah; Blake, Charlotte; Blake, John; Blondel, Peter; Bonneau, Benjamin; Bonneau, Francis; Branford, Elizabeth; Brown, Edward; Bull, John; Burdett, Robert; Burke, A. E.; Bush, Isaac; Byart, Catherine; Calwell, Henry; Capers, Gabriel; Carfield, Richard; Casey, John; Castinel, Mark Anthony; Cerra, John; Castell, Sarah; Chanler, Isaac; Chapman, Sarah; Chartier, John James; Clark, John; Clitherall, James; Cohen, Jacob; Cook, Elizabeth; Crawford, William Dearington, Thomas, Hannibal, slave of; Deas, Elizabeth; Debesse, William; Desrivaux, Boutinot; Dubert, Godfrey; Eden, Joshua; Elmore, Jesse; Erving, Adam; Ethridge, Sarah; Fabre, John; Ferrans, John Gordon; Fickling, Jeremiah; Filbin, Charles; Flagg, Henry Collins; Fogartie, Francis; Foster, John Robert; Freare, Sarah; Frink, Paul; Gaillard, John; Guerin, Esther; Guist, William Haggat, Panny; Harvey, Dorcas; Heffing, Henry; Hill, Elizabeth; Hope, John; Hopton, Sarah; Huger, Binkey; Huger, Francis; Humphrey, Benjamin; Ivy, Abraham; Izard, Charlotte; Jenkins, Daniel; Johnstone, William; Jones, Francis; Kennedy, Andrew; Kennedy, John; Killin, James; Lane, Margaret; Laurens, Henry (petition); Laurens, Peter Lebby, Nathaniel; Legare, Francis; Legare, John; Legare, Isaac; Legare, Thomas Sr.; Liber, Elizabeth; Livingston, Eleanor; Lovett, Samuel; Lowndes, Edward; Lowndes, Rawlins; Lyon, John; Maret, Lewis; Marquis, Elizabeth; Mason, William; Matherves, Peter Basnett; Maybank, Peter; Maxyck, Benjamin; Maxyck, Richard; McCall, John; McCorkell, Thomas; McIver, John; Miller, William; Mills, William; Mintzing, Anna Maria; Mitchell, William Osborne; Moore, John; Morgan, William; Muirhead, James; Newman, Reuben; Parker, John; Parmenter, Joseph; Patiot, Phillipe; Paterson, George; Perry, Edward; Phipps, John; Pickling, George Sr.; Pierredon, Collins; Pilsbury, William; Player, Thomas; Porcher, Philip; Postell, Susannah; Power, Nicholas; Red, James; Remington, John; Rivers, Elizabeth; Rivers, Joshua; Roberts, John; Robinson, John; Robinson, Septimus; Rose, Alexander; Ross, Jane; Row, George; Rowan, Mary; Rumpy, Christopher; Selby, George; Shelter, Charles; Shutterling, Maria; Silberg, Nicholas; Sinclair, Daniel; Singleton, Thomas; Sinkler, Thomas; Smilie, William; Smith, Robert; Solomon, Hyam; Solon, Margaret; Spidel, Everhart; Stevens, Jane; Swain, Luke; Swinton, Margaret; Taylor, Charles; Taylor, George; Thorney, William; Tilley, John; Timothy, Robert Smith; Trevant, Theodore; Unselt, Henry; Valkinburgh, Martin Pan; Vivier, Pierre Bournon; Wall, Mary; Ware, Gray; Ware, Joshua; Waring, Sarah; Wigfall, Joseph; Williams, Sarah; Wilson, Sarah; Wolf, John Frederick; Woodbridge, Robert; Woodman, Edward; Wragg, Dick
Images of Wills 1818 to 1819
Testators: Arthur, George ; Averell, Henry ; Baas, John; Baron, Alexander; Brown, Elizabeth; Campbell, Elizabeth; Campbell, James; Cattle, Barsheba; Caught, Mary; Coburn, John; Cochran, Susanne; Collins, Susannah; Cooper, Charles; Cooper, Robert; Costa, Fred P. ; Daughtry, Charles ; Dickson, Thomas; Doyle, Thomas; Doyles, Patrick ; Dresler, Hans Joachim; Dutart, John; Faber, John Christopher; Ferrall, William ; Fraser, Judith ; Freeman, Elizabeth ; Freeman, Richard ; Fuller, Jannet ; Gadsden, James William; Geddes, Henry; Gibson, John; Grimki, John F.; Gumont, Peter ; Hay, Susan S.; Horlbeck, Catherine; Hoyt, Thomas; Huger, Martha ; Izard, Esther ; Lafar, Joseph D.; Lang, Robert ; Lechais, Josephine ; Lutze, Bernard ; Lyon, Mordecai ; Mathews, Thomas ; Mikell, John ; Mitchell, Ann ; Mitchell, James D. ; Mitchell, Sarah; Moore, Ann ; Morgan, Edward Bullard ; Murray, Joseph James ; Nesbitt, Abigail ; Parker, Martha; Parker, Sarah; Power, Edward ; Price, William Jr.; Ravenal, Stephen ; Reid, John; Reynolds, William; Rodriguez, Mary; Rousell, Elizabeth; Rutledge, John ; Schwartz, John ; Serjeant, M. L.; Sherman, George W.; Sheviely, George ; Simons, Keaton Lewis ; Smith, Anne D. ; Smith, Barbary; Smith, Morton Wilkes; Smyth, Helen ; Stewart, Rebecca Bud ; Sweeny, Patrick ; Taylor, Paul ; Thomas, Mary Magdalena Inglis ; Todd, Patrick Savage; Trescot, Edward ; Vincent, Thomas ; Waring, Mary; Wells, Moses; Wilkes, John; Wilkinson, Susanna; Witten, Peter Robert ; Wood, William E.
Images of Wills 1820
Testators: Airs, George ; Ashe, Elizabeth; Bennett, Henry; Bird, Sarah; Black, William; Bonneau, Elizabeth; Brooke, Sarah; Bryan, James; Buchanan, Peter; Calder, Henry; Champneys, John; Chart, William; Clark, George; Clark, James; Cockfield, Mary; Coleman, Patrick; Cordear, Peter Augustus Florimon; Crafts, William; Crammer, Margaret ; Crocker, Francis Shaw; Croft, Peter; Dennison, James; De Norray, John Charles Francis; Dowling, Edward; Drayton, Charles; Edwards, John; Faber, John C. Jr. ; Flinn, Andrew ; Frink, Thomas Blodget ; Gensell, John; Hallum, Mary; Heyward, John; Hichborn, Elizabeth; Hill, Henry Duncan; Hollinshead, Sarah; Holmes, Elizabeth; Holmes, James; Horry, Thomas; Huston, James; Jarmas, John; Jenings, Mary Margaret ; Jenkins, Eliza ; Karwon, Thomas; Ladson, Judah; Lamb, Thomas; Manigault, Charlotte; Marshall, John; Mathews, Sarah ; McClure, Cochran; McGill, Samuel ; Miller, Eliza; D'Oyley, Daniel ; Palmer, Mary Ann; Patterson, John ; Peak, Oliver D.; Perry, Susanna ; Poppenheim, Lewis; Pressley, William ; Pring, James ; Ralston, Robert; Ramadge, Francis; Ravenal, Paulde St. Julien ; Rivers, Sarah; Robertson, Francis; Rodgers, Charles ; Russell, Mary; Russell, Nathaniel ; Scott, William ; Simons, Catherine; Stobo, Morton ; Tanner, Edward ; Tone, Peter ; Webber, William ; Wigfall, Constantia ; Williman, Jaoob; Wilson, Hugh ; Woodscruffe, Elizabeth; Wythe, Peter and Yates, Samuel
Images of Wills 1821 to 1823
Testators: Abraham, Mary; Allen, Stephen; Baker, Susannah; Ball, Martha; Barnstein, John Henry ; Bellamy, Esther; Beur, Richard ; Bixby, Joseph; Bollough, James; Boyd, William Robert ; Brailsford, Mary; Brisbane, William; Broughton, Philip Poucher ; Bull, William Stephen; Burger, Charles; Cambridge, Elizabeth; Campbell, Hugh George; Cantley, Roger G. ; Cape, Mary; Carroll, James Parsons; Chapelin, William ; Chisolm, Robert ; Cleaper, Charles; Conova, Eliza ; Cooke, William ; Cornwall, Sarah ; Cousuiaus, Benjamin ; Creighton, Perth; Cunnington, Elizabeth Sophia ; Danjou, Louis ; Dautherean, Romain Marie ; Deas, Henry; de Tottenase, Charles; Doyle, Grace ; Drayton, John; Durr, John; Duvall, Catharine; Earnest, Barnet; Edwards, Rebekah ; Egleston, John ; Elliott, Amerinthea; Ellis, Benjamin ; Foster, Sarah; Figuers, Peter B.; Firsch, Carl Wilhelm ; Florin, Henry ; Frisch, Elizabeth ; Fullerton, Elizabeth; Gadsden, Thomas ; Gardner, John ; Gist, States ; Glover, Wilson; Gourdine, Samuel; Greenhill, Hume ; Greenwood, William; Gregorie, James ; Haggin, Hester ; Haig, Robert ; Happoldt, John George; Harris, Tucker ; Hasell, Andrew; Hazyek, Elizabeth Charlotte ; Henley, John ; Heyward, Samuel ; Holmes, John; Huger, Charles ; Huggins, Jacob Bonhart ; Humbert, Elizabeth ; Hunt, Joseph; Hurman, Henry; Hutchinson, Esther; Hutchinson, Mary ; Huxford, Harlock ; Jacks, James ; Jauden, Elijah Jenkins, Susanna Johnson, John Kenigmacher, Adam Kennedy, Peter Kugley, John Lamb, David | Laurens, Mary Laws, Robert Sr. Lee, Mary Leger, Elizabeth Mary; Levy, Sarah; Lockwood, S. ; Lord, M. ; MacBeth, James ; Mair, James; Mazyck, Benjamin ; McCall, John Ward ; McDowell, John ; McIntosh, Esther; McLeod, Donald ; Miller, James; Moce, William ; Moncrieffe, John ; Moods, Peter ; Morrison, John; Moses, Lyon; O'Reilly, James; Palmer, Thomas; Parker, Thomas; Peak, Elizabeth; Peak, John; Pepper, Ann; Pepoon, Benjamin ; Percy, William; Peyre, Floride; Pillet, John; Pinckney, Thomas Susanna ; Postell, William; Radcliffe, Lucretia Constance ; Ravenal, Paul ; Ravenal, Rene ; Raymond, William H. ; Reeves, Aeneas; Reynolds, Mary E. ; Ross, Hugh ; Rutledge, William; Ryckbosch, Francis ; Sampayiac, Theodore ; Se Chevalier, Oliver ; Sinia, Francis; Smith, Laben ; Smith, Mary Ann ; Smith, Peter ; Smith, Thomas; Smith, William Sr. ; Spinar, Josse ; Swinton, Susannah ; Tebout, Judith; Tellooce, William; de Tottenase, Charles; Thomas, John; Thorne, John; Tucker, Mary ; Villiponticeaux, William D.; Vinkler, Margaret ; Vinning, Samuel ; Ward, Mary Grimki ; Warley, William ; Wells, Elizabeth; Willet, Jacques Rou ; Williams, Abimeleck; Wilson, Robert; Windsor, Thomas, Capt. ; Yates, Joseph ; Young, William Price 1800
Images of Wills 1834 to 1839, Part I
Testators: Ball, Elias; Barton, Mary Ann; Black, John; Brinkman, Adolph; Broughton, Ann; Broughton, Elizabeth Demaris; Buerhaus, Herman Frederick; Bull, Elizabeth; Calder, Billy; Coburn, Jane M.; Cruikshank, William; Cusack, Peter ; Daingerfield, William; Eggart, Juliet; Fair, William ; Ferris, Sarah; Fickling, Isaac; Florim, Elinore Marie, widow; Ford, Jacob; Gibbs, William; Gibson, James; Gordon, John; Grimke, Thomas; Harvey, Arnold; Hohn, Charles;Horden, Elizabeth; Huger, Ann; Hutchinson, Elizabeth Love; James, Mildred; Jones, Margaret ; Jones, Mary; Johnson, William; Joyner, Rebekah; Lafforge, Marie; Levy, Lyon: Lockleer, Stephen ; McPherson, James Elliott; McPherson, Susan; Miller, Mary; Moer, Thomas; Oats, Mary; Parker, Wellington; Porte, John; Price, Ann; Pricher, Conrad; Primerose, Catherine; Ravina, Joseph; Rivers, Samuel; Smith, Agnes ; Snowden, Ann ; Tardiff, William ; Taylor, William ; Vale, Elizabeth; Venning, Nicholas ;Warley, Elias ; Whilden, Elias; Wyatt, John
Images of Wills 1834 to 1839, Part II
Testators: Allen, Alexander ;Anthony, Mary; Arnold, Amos; Bailey, Charles; Baker, Richard; Bean, James; Black, Thomas; Boudo, Heloise; Boon, Charlotte; Brady, John;Broughton, Daniel; Burrell, William; Cahusas, Ann ; Chisolm, George; Christie, Joanna; Clark, Ann; Collins, Margaret ; Course, Isaac; Cruikshanks, Daniel; Curry, James; Cuthbert, James; Damascke, Martin; Dart, Elizabeth Martin; Dempsey, Myles; Desgraves, Peter Thomas; Dickson, Mary; Duval, Peter; Eden, Edward; Evans, Susan; Elyman, Christian; Eude, Louis; Fash, Leonard; Faulling, Thomas; Ferguson, Ann; Freeman, Richard; Gefkin, Christiana ; Gill, William; Goodrich, Ann ; Guardeau, John ; Guillard, Augustus Theodore; Gyles, Mary; Gyles, Rosina; Hamilton, John; Hanscome, Joseph; Harleston, Anna; Henry, George; Hewett, Thomas; Hickman, Joshua; Hines, Joseph; Holmes, Elizabeth; Howe, Mary; Huger, Charlotte; Hunter, Margaret; Jacobs, Hyman; Jacoby, George; Johnston, Alexander ; June, Cornel; Kennedy, William; Kirkland, Marianne; Knox, Walter; Kochler, Jacob; Lamb, Isaac; Lagare, Mary; Lawson, Charles; Lining, Polly; Lockwood, Joshua ; MacKennie, Elizabeth; McCalla, Sarah; McDonald, Sarah; McLean, James; Mellard, Elisha; Mitchell, Margaret; Morley, Susan; Murrell, Martha; Nicholson, James; Nowell, Margaret; Porcher, Julia; Poulton, Rachael; Purcell, Ann; Quinlan, Mary; Ravenol, Daniel James; Rembert, Isaac; Revell, Hannah; Rivers, William; Roberts, Elizabeth; Roche, Edward; Rolando, Isabella; Rouse, Lewis; Ruddock, Susannah; Rutledge, Mary; Ryan, Elizabeth; Stapleton, Mary; Stock, Margaret; Street, Martha; Swenton, William; Tavel, Charles; Timmons, George; Wallace, Ann; Wasley, Ann; Wayman, Francis; Wilkie, William; Wilkins, Martha Charlotte; Willson, Charles; Woolf, Rachel
Images of Wills 1839 to 1845
Testators: Akin, Eliza; Anderson, James; Anderson, Kennedy ; Ashe, Abraham; Baker, Sarah; Barnett, Samuel; Baron, Alexander; Bateman, Isaac; Belluigall, Margaret; Bennet, Sophie; Benson, Lawrence; Biglow, Lyman; Blair, Elizabeth; Blake, Harriet; Blanding, Abraham; Boone, Sarah; Boykin, Fitzgerald Glover; Brown, James; Brown, Sarah; Bryan, Lydia; Buckley, Maria; Burbage, Daniel; Chanel, Anthony; Chisolm, Marianne; Clark, Aaron; Cleary, Catherine; Clifford, Henry; Cobia, Ann; Cockfield, John; Collins, John; Cromwell, Samuel; Dacourt, Don Fransisco; Davies, Daniel; Davis, Eliza; Daws, Catherine; Dawson, Drayton; Delany, Michael; Doyle, Edward; Drayton, Sarah Maria; Drayton, Rebecca; Duncan, Patrick; Dupont, Joseph; Dupree, Frances; Edwards, Charles; Edwards, Edward Holmes; Edwards, Mary; Elliot, William; England, John; Ferguson, Eliza; Ferris, Henry; Flinn, Eliza; Francis, Edward; Fraser, James; Fraser, Susan; Gants, Ann; Gates, John; Glen, Margaret; Glover, Joseph; Goldberg, David; Graves, Charles; Green, Mary Ann; Greer, Maria Augusta; Grimke, Mary; Gunther, Phyllis; Hall, Sarah; Hamilton, Harriet Cleland; Hamlin, Sarah; Hayden, Jane; Hayne, Robert Y.; Hill, Mary; Hillman, Ann; Holloway, Richard; Hutchinson, Sarah; Jackson, Rebecca; Jenkins, Martha; Johnson, Jane; Johnston, James; Johnston, William; Jones, William; Kelly, Mary; Kershaw, Frances R.; King, John; King, Mary; Kirkpatrick, Andrew; Lee, Thomas; Maillard, Ann; Marks, Joseph; Martin, Rebecca; Martin, Samuel; Matthews, Mary; Maybank, Joseph; McAlpin, Mary; McBride, Ellinor; McDonald, Christopher; McDow, William; McFarlane, Catherine; Miller, Catharine; Mitchell, Elizabeth; Mitchell, James; Milligan, William; Moore, Elizabeth; Morrison, Simon; Myers, David; Noble, Mary; O'Neil, John; Palmer, Harriot; Peter, Vincent ; Porcher, Thomas; Postell, Glen; Prioleau, Samuel ; Pringle, John; Provost, Joseph; Ramsay, Martha; Rogers, Charles; Rose, Hugh; Ruger, Valentine; Rutledge, Francis; Ryan, Lawrence; Scheels, Wade Hampton; Scott, William; Sloan, Allan; Smith, Ann; Smith, John; Steele, William; Thomas, Betty; Thompson, John; Tidyman, Hester; Tovey, Henry; Townsend, Daniel ; VanRhyn, John ; Veree, Elizabeth; Walker, John; Walker, John Falls; Wall, Richard; Wallis, Margaret; Ward, Elizabeth; Washington, Joshua; Watson, John; Week, Joseph; Wheeler, Ann; Wigfall, Thomas; Wilkins, Martin; Witter, Susannah ; Wood, Edward ; Wright, Robert; Young, William
Images of Charleston County Wills 1845 to 1846
Testators: Akin, James ;Allan, Sarah ;Ashby, J. A. ; Barquet, Barbara; Beckhard, P. ; Booth, Margaret; Brailsford, Susan ; Burger, Samuel ; Caldwell, William ; Catherwood, J. J. ; Clarke, Charles ; Cooper, Nathaniel ; Dalton, Frances ; Danney, Mary ; Dibble, Andrew ; English, Henry ; Fife, Isabella Mary ; Francisco, Caroline ; Frazer, Elizabeth ; Fryer, Julia ; Gelzer, Sarah; Gough, Rebecca ; Hall, Suzanna ; Hood, Robin ; Husemeyer, W. H. ; Innes, John ; Jeffords, Charles; Jervey, Thomas ; Kiddell, Rachel ; LaRoche, Richard; Leebeck, Dederick; Leseiggneur, Vincent ; Lining, Richard ; Lord, A. B. ; Lusher, Sarah ; Marshall, Jane ; Mathewes, Mary ; Maxton, Jane; Middleton, Sarah ; Michel, Francis; Middleton, Henry; Mikell, Ephraim ; Mikell, Providence ; Pringle, Ann Amelia ; Rentz, John ; Rogers, Priscilla ; Seabrook, Henry ; Smith, Elizabeth ; Smith, Susan ; Thompson, Mary ; Umminsetter, Maria ; Walsted, Job ; Wells, Dianna ; Williams, Isham ; Winthrop, Mary
Wills, Estates, Guardianships 1845 to 1850; 1851 to 1856; 1856 to 1861; 1862 to 1868 (names not available due to space)
Images of Miscellaneous Wills, Estates, Deeds
Akins, John | Allen, Richard | Allison, William | Arnold, John to Griffith Rice | Axtell, Daniel to Daniel Axtell Jr. | Ballough, John | Barker, Sarah | Bass, John | Bellinger, William to Mary Donovan | Betteson, John | Betteson, William | Bird, John | Bonneau, Anthony | Brewer, Charles | Brown, Charles | Browne, James | Burnham, Charles | Butler, Christopher | Butler, James | Canty, William, Captain | Canty, William | Carter, Benjamin and wife to William Moore (deed) |Clinch, Alexander | Collins, William | Colwell, John | Cornish, Henry | Cowen, John | Crawford, Samuel | Crichton, George | Cutfield, Richard | Cutfield, Thomas | Danford, Joseph | Dolley, David | Donavan, Daniel | Donnelly, Edward to John Carlow (deed) | Dopson, Joseph | Dormond, Hugh to Thomas Wouvour (deed) | Douglas, George bound to Matthew Beard |Durham, David (deed) to his widow |Eddings, Abraham | Ellery, Thomas | Fushier, Francis | Goodbee, Joseph | Hales, John | Hales, William to Edward Scott(deed)| Hales, William to Edward Scull and Thomas Loveless (deed)| Hancock, Charles | Harbin, Richard to Robert Taylor (deed) | Hepworth, Thomas | Hutchinson, John | Johnson, George to Daniel Green (deed) | Johnson, Governor, Lucas Stoutenburg and Joseph Massey (document) | Johnston, Humphrey | Johnston, William | Jones, Philip | Lambert, John | Lanier, Daniel | LaRoche, Daniel and Thomas (deed) | Laurens, John to Lewis Gourdin (deed) | Lorey, Thomas | Lukewrier, Elizabeth | Lyon, Ebenezer | MacDonald, David | MacDowell, Archibald | Macdowell, Mary | Macpherson, James | MacPherson, Mary | Macintosh, Daniel | Manigault, Peter | McDonald, David | Mikell, Ephraim Sr. | Mills, John | Mills, Richard | Morris, John | Mortimer, John | Newborough, Matthew | Nicholls, Henry | Nichols, Mary | Oade, Nathaniel | Osgood, Thomas Sr. | Paddy, Mathew | Parsons, Martha | Perryman, Benjamin | Price, Thomas | Ramsey, Benjamin | Rowe, Richard | Saltus, Mary to Michael Browler (deed) | Sanders, Abraham | Saunders, Samuel | Scott, Edward | Skine, Alexander | Smith, Thomas Jr. | Spoode, William | Stevens, John | Sulivan, John | Taveroon, Stephen | Tilly, James | Townsend, Joseph | Valley, Thomas | Varino, Jeremiah | Veal, Edward | Verdell, Anthony | Wallace, Elizabeth | Warnock, Andrew | Warnock, Thomas | Weaver, Thomas | Webb, Thomas | Whiteside, Thomas to John Arnold (deed) | Williams, Nathaniel Wood, John | Wyatt, Edward |
Images of Wills, Deeds, Appraisals, Inventories 1731 to 1733
Anely, William | Anely, William to Jacob Morris (deed) | Arnall, John | Arnoll, John (2) | Baker, Samuel | Bampfield, Elizabeth | Bampfield, George | Beamer, James | Belton, Peter | Belton, Peter to Joseph Brake (deed) | Bennett, William | Blake, Joseph | Bonnet, William | Bonnin, John | Boone, Thomas | Brace, William | Broughton, Nathaniel, appointed Naval Officer (1732) | Buchannan, John | Bullock, James | Bullock, James to James Crokat | Burnham, Charles (deed) | Burnham, Charles (orphans) | Burton, John | Carleton, John | Cartwright, Daniel | Clifford, Stephen to James Withers (deed) | Cole, Thomas | Collins, Andrew | Collings, Jonathan | Cook, Samuel | Croft, Childermass | Croft, Hill | Daniel, John | Daniels, Robert | Day, Nicholas | Dela, Benjamin, Consulate | Dexter, William | Diston, Charles | Donning, William | Dopson, Joseph | Drake, Jonathan | Draper, Linnie | Duke, Nicholas | Durden, Lydia | Edwards, John to Charles Lowndes | Elliott, Thomas | Elliott, William | Edgells, Richard | Evans, Daniel | Evans, Hugh | Ferdinand, Peter | Ferquhart, Adam | Firth, Samuel | Floyd, Richard | Fogarhe, John | Franklyn, John | French, Peter | Fuller, William | Gilbert, Henry | Gillispey, John | Godfrey, John | Godfrey, John (2)| Gordon, Alexander | Hamilton, Archibald | Hammerton, William | Hanover, John | Hardan | Hargraves, Henry | Hasfort, Richard | Hickin, J. | Hill, John | Hirst, John to Jim Wright (deed) | Hodgson, John | Holiday, Charles | Holmes, Francis | Holt, Martin and Edward Scull (bond) | Holton, Thomas | Huddy, Charles | Hussey, Edward | Irvine, Anne | Johnson, Peter | Johnson, Robert | Kelly, Mary | Kendrick, Lewis | King, Ester | Kinger, James | Knipe, Edward | Knott, John | Ladson | Lane, Noah | Lea, Joseph | Lea, William | Leacroft, Rush LeBrasseur, Francis to Thomas Gadsden (deed) | Lewis, Charles | Lincoln, James | Lisbon, Robert | Lock, John to Hester Williams (deed) | Loveless, Thomas | Lowndes, Charles | Lymond, John | Macbride, Alexander | Macintosh, John | Marghil, William Sr. to William Marghil Jr. (deed) | Marlton, William | Martin, John | McAlpin, James to Robert Hume (deed) | McMichael, Archibald | McNabney, James | Meade, Joseph | Middleton, Solomon | Miller (mortgage) Miller, Richard | Milner, Mathew | Monforth, John | Moore, John | Moore, Roger | Moore, William | Morgan, Ann | Morgan, Charles | Morson, James | Mountjoy, Esther | Murkin, William | Musgrove, John | Musgrove, John to Daniel Green (deed) | Napier, William | Neale, James appointed Provost Marshal | Nicholas, George to James Johnson (deed) | Nisbet, Robert | Norris, Matthew | Osborne, William | Pamer, Jonathan | Paterson, Lewis to William Cattel Jr. | Paul, William | Pendarvis, John | Perth, Samuel to Ann Chapman (deed) | Peter, Phelo | Pight, Mary | Pittianger, Shepard | Raper, John | Ray, David | Rivers, Maurice | Robert, Peter | Robins, Thomas | Rogers, Thomas | Rose, Richard | Rycroft, Richard | Scriven, Samuel | Sealy, Joseph | Seayer, Ruth | Shillike, David | Sizemore, Andrew | Smith, Emanuel | Snow, Thomas | Splatt, Richard to Thomas Gadsden (deed)| Strobo, Archibald | Thompson, Robert | Thomson, Doctrine | Townsend, Joseph and Charles Burnham | Tozer, Solomon | Vallet, Susanna to Joseph Wragg (deed) | Verner, Elizabeth | Wallis, Peter | Ward, Alice | Watkins, John to James Crokatt | Watson, David | Way, Aaron | Williams, William | Willson, John | Woolford, Jacob | Wright, John | Wright, Robert
Images of Wills, Guardianships, 1736 to 1740 (Names not listed here)
Images of Wills, Guardianships, 1740 to 1747; 1747 to 1756; 1757 to 1760; 1769 to 1771; 1661 to 1779; 1780 to 1783; 1786 to 1792; 1793 to 1800 (Names not included here due to insufficient space)
Images of Wills 1800 to 1803
Testators: Abraham, Emanuel; Allen, Samuel; Anderson, Archibald; Ashby, Magdalene; Atwell, Ichabod; Axson, William; Bagus, George; Barksdale, Thomas; Bennett, William; Benvist, Samuel; Blackman, Sarah; Blake, Charlotte; Blake, John; Blondel, Peter; Bonneau, Benjamin; Bonneau, Francis; Branford, Elizabeth; Brown, Edward; Bull, John; Burdett, Robert; Burke, A. E.; Bush, Isaac; Byart, Catherine; Calwell, Henry; Capers, Gabriel; Carfield, Richard; Casey, John; Castinel, Mark Anthony; Cerra, John; Castell, Sarah; Chanler, Isaac; Chapman, Sarah; Chartier, John James; Clark, John; Clitherall, James; Cohen, Jacob; Cook, Elizabeth; Crawford, William Dearington, Thomas, Hannibal, slave of; Deas, Elizabeth; Debesse, William; Desrivaux, Boutinot; Dubert, Godfrey; Eden, Joshua; Elmore, Jesse; Erving, Adam; Ethridge, Sarah; Fabre, John; Ferrans, John Gordon; Fickling, Jeremiah; Filbin, Charles; Flagg, Henry Collins; Fogartie, Francis; Foster, John Robert; Freare, Sarah; Frink, Paul; Gaillard, John; Guerin, Esther; Guist, William Haggat, Panny; Harvey, Dorcas; Heffing, Henry; Hill, Elizabeth; Hope, John; Hopton, Sarah; Huger, Binkey; Huger, Francis; Humphrey, Benjamin; Ivy, Abraham; Izard, Charlotte; Jenkins, Daniel; Johnstone, William; Jones, Francis; Kennedy, Andrew; Kennedy, John; Killin, James; Lane, Margaret; Laurens, Henry (petition); Laurens, Peter Lebby, Nathaniel; Legare, Francis; Legare, John; Legare, Isaac; Legare, Thomas Sr.; Liber, Elizabeth; Livingston, Eleanor; Lovett, Samuel; Lowndes, Edward; Lowndes, Rawlins; Lyon, John; Maret, Lewis; Marquis, Elizabeth; Mason, William; Matherves, Peter Basnett; Maybank, Peter; Maxyck, Benjamin; Maxyck, Richard; McCall, John; McCorkell, Thomas; McIver, John; Miller, William; Mills, William; Mintzing, Anna Maria; Mitchell, William Osborne; Moore, John; Morgan, William; Muirhead, James; Newman, Reuben; Parker, John; Parmenter, Joseph; Patiot, Phillipe; Paterson, George; Perry, Edward; Phipps, John; Pickling, George Sr.; Pierredon, Collins; Pilsbury, William; Player, Thomas; Porcher, Philip; Postell, Susannah; Power, Nicholas; Red, James; Remington, John; Rivers, Elizabeth; Rivers, Joshua; Roberts, John; Robinson, John; Robinson, Septimus; Rose, Alexander; Ross, Jane; Row, George; Rowan, Mary; Rumpy, Christopher; Selby, George; Shelter, Charles; Shutterling, Maria; Silberg, Nicholas; Sinclair, Daniel; Singleton, Thomas; Sinkler, Thomas; Smilie, William; Smith, Robert; Solomon, Hyam; Solon, Margaret; Spidel, Everhart; Stevens, Jane; Swain, Luke; Swinton, Margaret; Taylor, Charles; Taylor, George; Thorney, William; Tilley, John; Timothy, Robert Smith; Trevant, Theodore; Unselt, Henry; Valkinburgh, Martin Pan; Vivier, Pierre Bournon; Wall, Mary; Ware, Gray; Ware, Joshua; Waring, Sarah; Wigfall, Joseph; Williams, Sarah; Wilson, Sarah; Wolf, John Frederick; Woodbridge, Robert; Woodman, Edward; Wragg, Dick
Images of Wills 1818 to 1819
Testators: Arthur, George ; Averell, Henry ; Baas, John; Baron, Alexander; Brown, Elizabeth; Campbell, Elizabeth; Campbell, James; Cattle, Barsheba; Caught, Mary; Coburn, John; Cochran, Susanne; Collins, Susannah; Cooper, Charles; Cooper, Robert; Costa, Fred P. ; Daughtry, Charles ; Dickson, Thomas; Doyle, Thomas; Doyles, Patrick ; Dresler, Hans Joachim; Dutart, John; Faber, John Christopher; Ferrall, William ; Fraser, Judith ; Freeman, Elizabeth ; Freeman, Richard ; Fuller, Jannet ; Gadsden, James William; Geddes, Henry; Gibson, John; Grimki, John F.; Gumont, Peter ; Hay, Susan S.; Horlbeck, Catherine; Hoyt, Thomas; Huger, Martha ; Izard, Esther ; Lafar, Joseph D.; Lang, Robert ; Lechais, Josephine ; Lutze, Bernard ; Lyon, Mordecai ; Mathews, Thomas ; Mikell, John ; Mitchell, Ann ; Mitchell, James D. ; Mitchell, Sarah; Moore, Ann ; Morgan, Edward Bullard ; Murray, Joseph James ; Nesbitt, Abigail ; Parker, Martha; Parker, Sarah; Power, Edward ; Price, William Jr.; Ravenal, Stephen ; Reid, John; Reynolds, William; Rodriguez, Mary; Rousell, Elizabeth; Rutledge, John ; Schwartz, John ; Serjeant, M. L.; Sherman, George W.; Sheviely, George ; Simons, Keaton Lewis ; Smith, Anne D. ; Smith, Barbary; Smith, Morton Wilkes; Smyth, Helen ; Stewart, Rebecca Bud ; Sweeny, Patrick ; Taylor, Paul ; Thomas, Mary Magdalena Inglis ; Todd, Patrick Savage; Trescot, Edward ; Vincent, Thomas ; Waring, Mary; Wells, Moses; Wilkes, John; Wilkinson, Susanna; Witten, Peter Robert ; Wood, William E.
Images of Wills 1820
Testators: Airs, George ; Ashe, Elizabeth; Bennett, Henry; Bird, Sarah; Black, William; Bonneau, Elizabeth; Brooke, Sarah; Bryan, James; Buchanan, Peter; Calder, Henry; Champneys, John; Chart, William; Clark, George; Clark, James; Cockfield, Mary; Coleman, Patrick; Cordear, Peter Augustus Florimon; Crafts, William; Crammer, Margaret ; Crocker, Francis Shaw; Croft, Peter; Dennison, James; De Norray, John Charles Francis; Dowling, Edward; Drayton, Charles; Edwards, John; Faber, John C. Jr. ; Flinn, Andrew ; Frink, Thomas Blodget ; Gensell, John; Hallum, Mary; Heyward, John; Hichborn, Elizabeth; Hill, Henry Duncan; Hollinshead, Sarah; Holmes, Elizabeth; Holmes, James; Horry, Thomas; Huston, James; Jarmas, John; Jenings, Mary Margaret ; Jenkins, Eliza ; Karwon, Thomas; Ladson, Judah; Lamb, Thomas; Manigault, Charlotte; Marshall, John; Mathews, Sarah ; McClure, Cochran; McGill, Samuel ; Miller, Eliza; D'Oyley, Daniel ; Palmer, Mary Ann; Patterson, John ; Peak, Oliver D.; Perry, Susanna ; Poppenheim, Lewis; Pressley, William ; Pring, James ; Ralston, Robert; Ramadge, Francis; Ravenal, Paulde St. Julien ; Rivers, Sarah; Robertson, Francis; Rodgers, Charles ; Russell, Mary; Russell, Nathaniel ; Scott, William ; Simons, Catherine; Stobo, Morton ; Tanner, Edward ; Tone, Peter ; Webber, William ; Wigfall, Constantia ; Williman, Jaoob; Wilson, Hugh ; Woodscruffe, Elizabeth; Wythe, Peter and Yates, Samuel
Images of Wills 1821 to 1823
Testators: Abraham, Mary; Allen, Stephen; Baker, Susannah; Ball, Martha; Barnstein, John Henry ; Bellamy, Esther; Beur, Richard ; Bixby, Joseph; Bollough, James; Boyd, William Robert ; Brailsford, Mary; Brisbane, William; Broughton, Philip Poucher ; Bull, William Stephen; Burger, Charles; Cambridge, Elizabeth; Campbell, Hugh George; Cantley, Roger G. ; Cape, Mary; Carroll, James Parsons; Chapelin, William ; Chisolm, Robert ; Cleaper, Charles; Conova, Eliza ; Cooke, William ; Cornwall, Sarah ; Cousuiaus, Benjamin ; Creighton, Perth; Cunnington, Elizabeth Sophia ; Danjou, Louis ; Dautherean, Romain Marie ; Deas, Henry; de Tottenase, Charles; Doyle, Grace ; Drayton, John; Durr, John; Duvall, Catharine; Earnest, Barnet; Edwards, Rebekah ; Egleston, John ; Elliott, Amerinthea; Ellis, Benjamin ; Foster, Sarah; Figuers, Peter B.; Firsch, Carl Wilhelm ; Florin, Henry ; Frisch, Elizabeth ; Fullerton, Elizabeth; Gadsden, Thomas ; Gardner, John ; Gist, States ; Glover, Wilson; Gourdine, Samuel; Greenhill, Hume ; Greenwood, William; Gregorie, James ; Haggin, Hester ; Haig, Robert ; Happoldt, John George; Harris, Tucker ; Hasell, Andrew; Hazyek, Elizabeth Charlotte ; Henley, John ; Heyward, Samuel ; Holmes, John; Huger, Charles ; Huggins, Jacob Bonhart ; Humbert, Elizabeth ; Hunt, Joseph; Hurman, Henry; Hutchinson, Esther; Hutchinson, Mary ; Huxford, Harlock ; Jacks, James ; Jauden, Elijah Jenkins, Susanna Johnson, John Kenigmacher, Adam Kennedy, Peter Kugley, John Lamb, David | Laurens, Mary Laws, Robert Sr. Lee, Mary Leger, Elizabeth Mary; Levy, Sarah; Lockwood, S. ; Lord, M. ; MacBeth, James ; Mair, James; Mazyck, Benjamin ; McCall, John Ward ; McDowell, John ; McIntosh, Esther; McLeod, Donald ; Miller, James; Moce, William ; Moncrieffe, John ; Moods, Peter ; Morrison, John; Moses, Lyon; O'Reilly, James; Palmer, Thomas; Parker, Thomas; Peak, Elizabeth; Peak, John; Pepper, Ann; Pepoon, Benjamin ; Percy, William; Peyre, Floride; Pillet, John; Pinckney, Thomas Susanna ; Postell, William; Radcliffe, Lucretia Constance ; Ravenal, Paul ; Ravenal, Rene ; Raymond, William H. ; Reeves, Aeneas; Reynolds, Mary E. ; Ross, Hugh ; Rutledge, William; Ryckbosch, Francis ; Sampayiac, Theodore ; Se Chevalier, Oliver ; Sinia, Francis; Smith, Laben ; Smith, Mary Ann ; Smith, Peter ; Smith, Thomas; Smith, William Sr. ; Spinar, Josse ; Swinton, Susannah ; Tebout, Judith; Tellooce, William; de Tottenase, Charles; Thomas, John; Thorne, John; Tucker, Mary ; Villiponticeaux, William D.; Vinkler, Margaret ; Vinning, Samuel ; Ward, Mary Grimki ; Warley, William ; Wells, Elizabeth; Willet, Jacques Rou ; Williams, Abimeleck; Wilson, Robert; Windsor, Thomas, Capt. ; Yates, Joseph ; Young, William Price 1800
Images of Wills 1834 to 1839, Part I
Testators: Ball, Elias; Barton, Mary Ann; Black, John; Brinkman, Adolph; Broughton, Ann; Broughton, Elizabeth Demaris; Buerhaus, Herman Frederick; Bull, Elizabeth; Calder, Billy; Coburn, Jane M.; Cruikshank, William; Cusack, Peter ; Daingerfield, William; Eggart, Juliet; Fair, William ; Ferris, Sarah; Fickling, Isaac; Florim, Elinore Marie, widow; Ford, Jacob; Gibbs, William; Gibson, James; Gordon, John; Grimke, Thomas; Harvey, Arnold; Hohn, Charles;Horden, Elizabeth; Huger, Ann; Hutchinson, Elizabeth Love; James, Mildred; Jones, Margaret ; Jones, Mary; Johnson, William; Joyner, Rebekah; Lafforge, Marie; Levy, Lyon: Lockleer, Stephen ; McPherson, James Elliott; McPherson, Susan; Miller, Mary; Moer, Thomas; Oats, Mary; Parker, Wellington; Porte, John; Price, Ann; Pricher, Conrad; Primerose, Catherine; Ravina, Joseph; Rivers, Samuel; Smith, Agnes ; Snowden, Ann ; Tardiff, William ; Taylor, William ; Vale, Elizabeth; Venning, Nicholas ;Warley, Elias ; Whilden, Elias; Wyatt, John
Images of Wills 1834 to 1839, Part II
Testators: Allen, Alexander ;Anthony, Mary; Arnold, Amos; Bailey, Charles; Baker, Richard; Bean, James; Black, Thomas; Boudo, Heloise; Boon, Charlotte; Brady, John;Broughton, Daniel; Burrell, William; Cahusas, Ann ; Chisolm, George; Christie, Joanna; Clark, Ann; Collins, Margaret ; Course, Isaac; Cruikshanks, Daniel; Curry, James; Cuthbert, James; Damascke, Martin; Dart, Elizabeth Martin; Dempsey, Myles; Desgraves, Peter Thomas; Dickson, Mary; Duval, Peter; Eden, Edward; Evans, Susan; Elyman, Christian; Eude, Louis; Fash, Leonard; Faulling, Thomas; Ferguson, Ann; Freeman, Richard; Gefkin, Christiana ; Gill, William; Goodrich, Ann ; Guardeau, John ; Guillard, Augustus Theodore; Gyles, Mary; Gyles, Rosina; Hamilton, John; Hanscome, Joseph; Harleston, Anna; Henry, George; Hewett, Thomas; Hickman, Joshua; Hines, Joseph; Holmes, Elizabeth; Howe, Mary; Huger, Charlotte; Hunter, Margaret; Jacobs, Hyman; Jacoby, George; Johnston, Alexander ; June, Cornel; Kennedy, William; Kirkland, Marianne; Knox, Walter; Kochler, Jacob; Lamb, Isaac; Lagare, Mary; Lawson, Charles; Lining, Polly; Lockwood, Joshua ; MacKennie, Elizabeth; McCalla, Sarah; McDonald, Sarah; McLean, James; Mellard, Elisha; Mitchell, Margaret; Morley, Susan; Murrell, Martha; Nicholson, James; Nowell, Margaret; Porcher, Julia; Poulton, Rachael; Purcell, Ann; Quinlan, Mary; Ravenol, Daniel James; Rembert, Isaac; Revell, Hannah; Rivers, William; Roberts, Elizabeth; Roche, Edward; Rolando, Isabella; Rouse, Lewis; Ruddock, Susannah; Rutledge, Mary; Ryan, Elizabeth; Stapleton, Mary; Stock, Margaret; Street, Martha; Swenton, William; Tavel, Charles; Timmons, George; Wallace, Ann; Wasley, Ann; Wayman, Francis; Wilkie, William; Wilkins, Martha Charlotte; Willson, Charles; Woolf, Rachel
Images of Wills 1839 to 1845
Testators: Akin, Eliza; Anderson, James; Anderson, Kennedy ; Ashe, Abraham; Baker, Sarah; Barnett, Samuel; Baron, Alexander; Bateman, Isaac; Belluigall, Margaret; Bennet, Sophie; Benson, Lawrence; Biglow, Lyman; Blair, Elizabeth; Blake, Harriet; Blanding, Abraham; Boone, Sarah; Boykin, Fitzgerald Glover; Brown, James; Brown, Sarah; Bryan, Lydia; Buckley, Maria; Burbage, Daniel; Chanel, Anthony; Chisolm, Marianne; Clark, Aaron; Cleary, Catherine; Clifford, Henry; Cobia, Ann; Cockfield, John; Collins, John; Cromwell, Samuel; Dacourt, Don Fransisco; Davies, Daniel; Davis, Eliza; Daws, Catherine; Dawson, Drayton; Delany, Michael; Doyle, Edward; Drayton, Sarah Maria; Drayton, Rebecca; Duncan, Patrick; Dupont, Joseph; Dupree, Frances; Edwards, Charles; Edwards, Edward Holmes; Edwards, Mary; Elliot, William; England, John; Ferguson, Eliza; Ferris, Henry; Flinn, Eliza; Francis, Edward; Fraser, James; Fraser, Susan; Gants, Ann; Gates, John; Glen, Margaret; Glover, Joseph; Goldberg, David; Graves, Charles; Green, Mary Ann; Greer, Maria Augusta; Grimke, Mary; Gunther, Phyllis; Hall, Sarah; Hamilton, Harriet Cleland; Hamlin, Sarah; Hayden, Jane; Hayne, Robert Y.; Hill, Mary; Hillman, Ann; Holloway, Richard; Hutchinson, Sarah; Jackson, Rebecca; Jenkins, Martha; Johnson, Jane; Johnston, James; Johnston, William; Jones, William; Kelly, Mary; Kershaw, Frances R.; King, John; King, Mary; Kirkpatrick, Andrew; Lee, Thomas; Maillard, Ann; Marks, Joseph; Martin, Rebecca; Martin, Samuel; Matthews, Mary; Maybank, Joseph; McAlpin, Mary; McBride, Ellinor; McDonald, Christopher; McDow, William; McFarlane, Catherine; Miller, Catharine; Mitchell, Elizabeth; Mitchell, James; Milligan, William; Moore, Elizabeth; Morrison, Simon; Myers, David; Noble, Mary; O'Neil, John; Palmer, Harriot; Peter, Vincent ; Porcher, Thomas; Postell, Glen; Prioleau, Samuel ; Pringle, John; Provost, Joseph; Ramsay, Martha; Rogers, Charles; Rose, Hugh; Ruger, Valentine; Rutledge, Francis; Ryan, Lawrence; Scheels, Wade Hampton; Scott, William; Sloan, Allan; Smith, Ann; Smith, John; Steele, William; Thomas, Betty; Thompson, John; Tidyman, Hester; Tovey, Henry; Townsend, Daniel ; VanRhyn, John ; Veree, Elizabeth; Walker, John; Walker, John Falls; Wall, Richard; Wallis, Margaret; Ward, Elizabeth; Washington, Joshua; Watson, John; Week, Joseph; Wheeler, Ann; Wigfall, Thomas; Wilkins, Martin; Witter, Susannah ; Wood, Edward ; Wright, Robert; Young, William
Images of Charleston County Wills 1845 to 1846
Testators: Akin, James ;Allan, Sarah ;Ashby, J. A. ; Barquet, Barbara; Beckhard, P. ; Booth, Margaret; Brailsford, Susan ; Burger, Samuel ; Caldwell, William ; Catherwood, J. J. ; Clarke, Charles ; Cooper, Nathaniel ; Dalton, Frances ; Danney, Mary ; Dibble, Andrew ; English, Henry ; Fife, Isabella Mary ; Francisco, Caroline ; Frazer, Elizabeth ; Fryer, Julia ; Gelzer, Sarah; Gough, Rebecca ; Hall, Suzanna ; Hood, Robin ; Husemeyer, W. H. ; Innes, John ; Jeffords, Charles; Jervey, Thomas ; Kiddell, Rachel ; LaRoche, Richard; Leebeck, Dederick; Leseiggneur, Vincent ; Lining, Richard ; Lord, A. B. ; Lusher, Sarah ; Marshall, Jane ; Mathewes, Mary ; Maxton, Jane; Middleton, Sarah ; Michel, Francis; Middleton, Henry; Mikell, Ephraim ; Mikell, Providence ; Pringle, Ann Amelia ; Rentz, John ; Rogers, Priscilla ; Seabrook, Henry ; Smith, Elizabeth ; Smith, Susan ; Thompson, Mary ; Umminsetter, Maria ; Walsted, Job ; Wells, Dianna ; Williams, Isham ; Winthrop, Mary
Wills, Estates, Guardianships 1845 to 1850; 1851 to 1856; 1856 to 1861; 1862 to 1868 (names not available due to space)
Images of Miscellaneous Wills, Estates, Deeds
- Ash, John
- Butler, Elizabeth
- Butler, George
- Butler, Richard
- Butler, Shem (1723 estate)
- Butler, Thomas,(1747)
- Butler, Thomas, LWT (1747) Caliote, James (estate)
- Crosse, Mary
- Cunningham, Patrick, plat and deed
- Hugh Brown deed (1774)
- Dannelly, Edward
- Dickson, John
- Elliott, Ralph
- Elliott, Stephen
- Fitch, Stephen, (1750)
- Fitzgerald, Thomas
- Greenland, John
- Hamilton, Pringle
- King, Jeremiah Jr. (LWT) LaRoche, James
- Roberts, Edward
- Sinckly, Sarah
- Symmonds, Henry
- Ward, John
- Youngblood, David
- (1790)
- Youngblood, Peter (1796)
Charleston County Wills, Estates, Guardianships, Deeds, Affidavits 1670 to 1868
Charleston and Charleston County represent the earliest productive economy in South Carolina. English settlers arrived in the colony as early as 1670 and established a town at Albemarle Point on the west bank of the Ashley River. Then Charles Town, named in honor of King Charles II of England, was built a few miles away between the Ashley and Cooper rivers. Charles Town (renamed Charleston in 1783) was the political, social, and economic center of the South throughout the colonial period, becoming the antebellum capitol of the state capital until 1790. Charleston District was formed in 1769, but portions were later split off to form Colleton (1800) and Berkeley (1882) counties. Charleston County of today includes the old parishes of St. Philip, St. Michael, Christ Church, St. Andrew, St. John Colleton, and part of St. James Santee. It was the English and French Huguenot settlers and their African slaves who established the prosperous rice and cotton plantations of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In fact, some of the first Georgia colonials ran away to Charleston so that they could establish agricultural plantations using slave labor. In essence, Charleston represented civilization to the colonials. In June of 1776, Charleston found itself embroiled in the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War and handily defeated the attacking British fleet. A palmetto log fort (later named Fort Moultrie) on the island of Sullivan Island cannonaded British causing them to retreat. During the War Between the States when federals were fired on at Fort Sumter by Confederate forces in April 1861, this act signalled the start of the war.
Early settlers: Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, General Andrew Pickens, Colonel Robert Anderson, Captain Robert Maxwell, John Bowen, Major John Ford, John Hallum, William Johnson, John Lewis Gervais, Ralph Atmar, George Bampfield, Lewis Newhouse, John James Himely, Edward Trescott, James Bentham, Moses Tomlin, William Moultrie, George Ringland, Jacob Drayton and others.
Colonial Days in Charleston and Savannah
By Jeannette Holland Austin
Finding colonial ancestors in Georgia and South Carolina can seem rather bleak but actually they left more detailed information in their documents than any other time. The history of colonial territories speaks for itself. The colonials who established Savannah also had relatives in Beaufort and Charleston and even the New England states. The reason is that colonial days in the South meant networking with friends and relatives in agricultural pursuits in the business of growing a stable economy. Although many of the first settlers received land grants, they also purchased large tracts of land and expanded their operations. Colonialism was not a sleepy venture, rather a hard-working society of agriculturists who risked their lives and fortunes in unexplored territories. It was the colonials who created a busy hive of activity in the building of towns and villages and constructing an economy. When tracing in Georgia or South Carolina, one should also examine records in Charleston, the landing place for all adventurers. do not forget Beaufort as it was one of the largest harbors along the east coast having attracted the Spanish and pirates during the early 16th century. However it was the Europeans who established the first permanent settlement at Albemarle Point near the present-day Charleston in 1670. About ten years later, a group of Scottish settlers made Beaufort their home. This settlement was along the Ashley River. The William Gibbons family established a network of plantations along the Frederica River and in the village of Nowington near Matthew Loudermilk and James Baillou. His sons, James and Joseph, had plantations on the Great Satilla River in South Carolina, near the bluff on the bank of the Savannah River and had town homes in Savannah. Another son, Josiah Gibbons, lived on about a thousand acres on the Newport River. Sarah Gibbons had a grandson, Noble Wimberly Jones of Savannah. They intermarried with Telfairs, Jones, Halls and McAllisters of Liberty and Chatham Counties and all of these families also prospered on their lands in South Carolina. Pierce Mease Butler was probably the wealthiest colonial planter in the South. His plantations spanned thousands of acres along the waterways of both states. His wife was Fanny Kemble, the actress who wrote spitefully about her life on a Georgia plantation. It is noteworthy to say that (for that era) she was doubtless cared for with a large entourage of servants and the finest of possessions. The Butlers were friends with the wealthiest of people like the Coupers of St. Simons Island and Noble Jones of Wormsloe plantation in Savannah. The way to learn more about the past days is to read the old colonial wills in Savannah and Charleston. The reason is for the detailed inventories of plantations as well as the naming and mentioning of relatives who resided in England, the Barbadoes and the New England states. For example, John Gibbons of Savannah named his Miller nephews of Natchez. Too, the old colonial wills in Virginia also bequeath property and persons to relatives in Great Britain. I not only read the wills and estates of my direct line, but read those of the spouses of their children. Sometimes even the slightest mention of a person indicates some sort of relationship. Of course, land grants denoting surveys (and neighbors) and deeds frequently help to further clarify relationships. The detail in wills is the main reason that I continue to add the original documents or typescripts to the websites. I know, this is a forever project, but we cannot really get our teeth into family history without such documents. Every little bit helps!
Charleston Harbor
Finding colonial ancestors in Georgia and South Carolina can seem rather bleak but actually they left more detailed information in their documents than any other time. The history of colonial territoories speaks for itself. The colonials who established Savannah also had relatives in Beaufort and Charleston and even the New England states. The reason is that colonial days in the South meant networking with friends and relatives in agricultural pursuits in the business of growing a stable economy. Although many of the first settlers received land grants, they also purchased large tracts of land and expanded their operations. Colonialism was not a sleepy venture, rather a hard-working society of agriculturists who risked their lives and fortunes in unexplored territories. It was the colonials who created a busy hive of activity in the building of towns and villages and constructing an economy. When tracing in Georgia or South Carolina, one should also examine records in Charleston, the landing place for all adventurers. do not forget Beaufort as it was one of the largest harbors along the east coast having attracted the Spanish and pirates during the early 16th century. However it was the Europeans who established the first permanent settlement at Albemarle Point near the present-day Charleston in 1670. About ten years later, a group of Scottish settlers made Beaufort their home. This settlement was along the Ashley River. The William Gibbons family established a network of plantations along the Frederica River and in the village of Nowington near Matthew Loudermilk and James Baillou. His sons, James and Joseph, had plantations on the Great Satilla River in South Carolina, near the bluff on the bank of the Savannah River and had town homes in Savannah. Another son, Josiah Gibbons, lived on about a thousand acres on the Newport River. Sarah Gibbons had a grandson, Noble Wimberly Jones of Savannah. They intermarried with Telfairs, Jones, Halls and McAllisters of Liberty and Chatham Counties and all of these families also prospered on their lands in South Carolina. Pierce Mease Butler was probably the wealthiest colonial planter in the South. His plantations spanned thousands of acres along the waterways of both states. His wife was Fanny Kemble, the actress who wrote spitefully about her life on a Georgia plantation. It is noteworthy to say that (for that era) she was doubtless cared for with a large entourage of servants and the finest of possessions. The Butlers were friends with the wealthiest of people like the Coupers of St. Simons Island and Noble Jones of Wormsloe plantation in Savannah. The way to learn more about the past days is to read the old colonial wills in Savannah and Charleston. The reason is for the detailed inventories of plantations as well as the naming and mentioning of relatives who resided in England, the Barbadoes and the New England states. For example, John Gibbons of Savannah named his Miller nephews of Natchez. Too, the old colonial wills in Virginia also bequeath property and persons to relatives in Great Britain. I not only read the wills and estates of my direct line, but read those of the spouses of their children. Sometimes even the slightest mention of a person indicates some sort of relationship. Of course, land grants denoting surveys (and neighbors) and deeds frequently help to further clarify relationships. The detail in wills is the main reason that I continue to add the original documents or typescripts to the websites. I know, this is a forever project, but we cannot really get our teeth into family history without such documents. Every little bit helps!
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