Transcripts of Richland County Wills, Bk C (incomplete)
Curry, Jane; Faust, Jacob; Hay, William; Hinson, William; Hunt, James Green; Kelly, Alexander; Kinsler, Daniel; Rives, Herbert; Rives, Robert; Salisbury, Pettigrew; Strange, Henry; Waggoner, RobertTranscripts of Richland County Wills, Book G, 1806 to 1827
Baker, Jesse;Blain, Joseph;Brown, Mary;Burginer, William;Carey, Ann;Chandler, Jesse;Davis, Mary Ann;Delahunt, Robert;Delezeair, Ann;Donlevy, Francis;Egan, Thomas;Ellis, William;Fitzpatrick, William;Fox, William;Frost, Keziah;Gill, Agnes;Goodwyn,Elizabeth;Goodwyn, Sarah; Guignard, John; Hamiter, Adam Frederick;Harris, Barton;Herron, Samuel; Howell, Lucy;Howell, Malachi;Hutchinson, Thomas; Killingsworth, Jesse;Kinsler, Elizabeth;Legran, Oliver;Livingston, William; Lucas, John;McCawley, James;McClellan, James;McDonald, Alexander; McIlwain, John;Montieth, William;Mulder, Abel;Myer, William; Parker, Lucy;Phelps, Mary;Reese, James;Rivers, William; Romanstine, George;Scott, William;Smith, Edward D.;Smith, George;Smith, Richard;Souter, George;Spigner, Frederick; Stanley, Samuel;Thompson, Mary; Tucker, Wood; Turquand, Catharine;Walshe, John, Dr.;Ward, Henry D.;Watson, Effa; Watts, Thomas;White, Mary Susanna;Wood, Sampson C.
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